



Taipei four star

This month, I quit my job, now has been home to stay, also did not go out and find a job. This afternoon I find a job without friends to my house to play asked, I told my friends that I haven’t go to hear me say so, friends told me that Taipei four star is now in the recruitment of let me know, listening to friends talk about things I asked my friend how is she knew Taipei four star in the recruitment, a friend told me that she had a classmate told her to work in the hotel room, listening to friends talk about things I told my friends that I go over the weekend to understand, friends hear I say just say if I go to the interview if you will be hired.

京都 住宿

去日本的話一定不能錯過一個地方,那就是京都。京都雖然沒有東京的繁華,但是卻有很深的文化底蘊,風景也是非常美的,有很多非常有特色的古建築,總之是非常值得一去的地方。上一次去日本的時候就是在京都落腳的。當時是在京都 住宿的網站找到酒店的。京都 住宿真的是很不錯的一個網站,在上面能找到京都很多有特色的酒店。來到一個地方旅遊,就一定要了解這個地方的特色。不過首先就是要了解他們的文化。以後有機會的話還會去京都 住宿的。

東京 住宿

天氣熱了之後就到了旅遊旺季,那時候去日本旅遊是最好的,可以欣賞到櫻花。我一直都很想去日本旅遊,但是都沒有機會。我想一定要趕緊實現這個計劃,不然以後就更沒有時間了。所以我現在就開始準備了,到天氣熱的時候就可以去了。出國旅遊是要做很多功課的,首先就是住宿問題。我咨詢了很多朋友,都說東京 住宿一定要選擇交通便利的地方,這樣會很方便,會省去很多時間。我現在就在了解東京 住宿的酒店,看到很多不錯的,不過價格比較貴。

kenting boutique hotel

A few days is my cousin’s wedding, he must be busy, then on his advice, I responsible for foreign families living these days. First I booked the Kenting Boutique Hotel, is mainly because the hotel convenient transportation, away from the wedding scene as long as a few minutes, and a piece of this location is still good, if all right when go out is also very convenient. Kenting boutique hotel is larger, and the decoration is unique, warm, can find a comfortable. Think out a day return, to the bar / lounge for a cup like drink, relax, so cozy. The lobby has a free newspaper and dry cleaning / washing service, but let us think the hotel to consider comprehensive, considerate.



Ximending accommodation

Ximending accommodation is different from other hotels, lived in Ximending accommodation to know how good. There let me feel the most advanced services, the most warm atmosphere. Just for a few days I liked there, where I like the room, like there’s a restaurant nearby, also has many interesting places. Friends and family, go to the Ximending accommodation, is the best choice. Not only can enjoy the best service there, still can be in after dinner to go near. I will have the opportunity to take the family to go there again.



