

消毒 除蟲

出差一個多月終於回家了,回到家裏發現家裏實在是太髒了,我必須要好好的打掃一番。今天在家裏休息我就打算給家裏來一次徹底的消毒 除蟲,相信家裏一定會被我打掃的非常乾淨的。在家裏打掃衛生的時候朋友打來電話讓我陪她一塊去打球,我就告訴朋友我在家裏消毒 除蟲沒有時間明天陪她去,朋友聽了我講的事情就說我在家裏消毒 除蟲需不需要她幫忙,聽了朋友講的事情我就說我一個人可以搞定的不需要她的幫忙,朋友聽了我講的事情也就沒有說什麼了。



Ximending boutique hotel

A friend asked me to go with her to I also promised Taiwan tourism. Evening with friends in the chat friends when she told me that she has to arrange the hotel is in the Ximending Boutique Hotel, when listening to a friend about what I said the last time I went on a business trip to Taiwan is also in the Ximending boutique hotel stay friends heard me say it, say the hotel very good so she arranged in the hotel, heard friends say I just say the hotel is quite good, after a friend told me about going to Taiwan travel itinerary. Heard friends say the things I feel pretty good friends arrangement. Believe that this trip to Taiwan will be very fun.

台北 太陽餅

第一次在朋友的邀請下吃台北 太陽餅,朋友買給我的時候我對包裝裏的一切都充滿了好奇,我一直在想那是不是我的口味,當我迫不及待要打開的時候,朋友對我說輕點,不然容易碎的,我照她的說法做了,當品嘗第一口的時候,我眼睛睜了好大,味道太棒了,入口的感覺更是不一般,鬆軟而不黏連的酥皮,層次分明,晶瑩透亮,難怪擁有很不錯的口碑,而且還受很多人的歡迎。臨走的時候,我還特意的買了好幾盒台北 太陽餅,懷著愉快的心情帶回了家。



hualien attractions

The last time I went to the accommodation, in numerous choices, Hualien attractions became my final goal, because I have a better understanding of the most of it, a lot of times when people asked, I still like they recommend Hualien attractions. The service facilities relatively complete, consistent with the public’s taste, so its popularity corresponding is relatively high, show itself in numerous accommodation environment, we can often see a lot of friends like to go there, seems to have become the inevitable choice of everyone, as I always choose, or was it, the degree of dependence and more strong, foreign friends also like to there, even gave a very high evaluation.





hualien accommodation

Back home in the evening to see friends in pack I asked friends she wants what to go, friends told me that she was going to Taiwan on business tomorrow, listening to friends talk about things I said how in such a hurry ah, friends told me that is a temporary decision, hear my friends say that I said the Hotel arrange good have no, friends told me that was set in Hualien accommodation, heard friends already arranged in Hualien accommodation and I said let her way Caution! Friends heard me say, that she will notice, after friends packed I told a friend out to dinner, a friend he said she came back from Taiwan was going to bring me a gift back.