
My girlfriend earlier said he had no clothes to wear, from the Internet to buy a piece of clothing, the clothes chest much written a word Adidas, but after I told her to buy clothes on the price and printing, I immediately tell her this Adidas clothes is false, because in my impression, Adidas there is no such cheap clothes, but under normal circumstances it is not his words printed so big, so she was wearing it when I say that she was Adidas is false, but I now have a tangible evidence to prove my opinion, so every time my girlfriend and I have argued that a debate.



where to stay in Taipei

We want to go to Taipei tourism, but there will always be people who will ask some such as where to stay in Taipei is a kind of naive question, and the where to stay in Taipei is a kind of naive question, although sometimes don’t want to answer, but had to explain to them, because if we don’t have to them to explain the problem, there is no way to remove their doubts before the trip, then perhaps we may the journey is full of wordy, will be covered by these people’s fears and concerns, and ultimately affect our mood of play, we changed the itinerary.

東京 住宿

經過這幾年的努力我自己也攢了不少的錢了,於是就想實現我的一個去東京旅遊的夢想,因為大家都知道東京是一個很好的地方,不管是環境還是購物都是特別棒的,所以我就跟幾個朋友說好了說是等五一黃金周公司放假的時候要一起去東京旅遊呢,昨天我朋友就興致勃勃的給我打電話說是我們到了東京之後住東京 住宿怎麼樣?我就說好啊!因為我之前也聽去過東京的朋友說過一些關於東京 住宿的話題,我覺得住在那裡肯定也是一個不錯的選擇。


從高中決定開始學美術的時候,我就下定決心要把美術這門學的特別好,考上大學后我會選擇設計專業,因為我已經看上 網頁設計公司 好久了, 網頁設計公司 是我夢寐以求想去上班的地方,不知道為什麼就是莫名其妙的喜歡設計,喜歡腦袋裡空想一些亂七八糟的東西,可是,每次上美術課因為我的這些構思,老師總會當著全班同學的面夸我的想法好,所以,我大學里一定要報設計專業。高考完錄取通知書到了,我心忐忑不安,打開通知單看到被錄取三個字,我知道我的夢想又進一步了,好開心呀!





Taipei four star

We all know that the five Stars Hotel is high grade, good taste, enough luxury, in fact four of Taipei Stars Hotel is also very good, a beautiful environment, comfortable living, and the traffic is very convenient, the last time I travel in Taipei four four Stars Hotel, Taipei Stars Hotel service attitude really is I have seen the best service. And they are very close, like a family will always care about you live in Taipei four Stars Hotel in life, I am very glad to come to Taipei four Stars Hotel, next business trip to Taipei four Stars Hotel, we hope to see the four Taipei Stars Hotel occupancy, not the same Hotel.


說起縫紉我就想到了我的爸爸,我也很好奇爸爸為什麽會做這些縫紉方面的工作呢,之前的時候我也聽媽媽說過,爸爸會修縫紉機的,而且還懂一些縫紉的活。可是沒想到的是前幾天爸爸竟然還給自己縫了一個褲子,而且穿上的效果還不錯。後來聽老媽說是爸爸去買褲子 ,沒有找到合適 的,于是就自己買了一批的面料回來,回來后自己坐在縫紉機關,就幾個小時的時間自己縫了一個褲子,而且做工各方面都還不錯。爸爸的手藝還真是不錯。

東京 住宿

東京的一些小衚衕巷子里有很多小旅館,肯定是比不上大酒店乾淨舒適啦,但是價位擺在那呀,酒店的多貴呀。住一次酒店可以住三四回小旅館了。所以大多數人還是住的小旅館的。在 東京 住宿其實很便宜,上次我們同學聚會,在 東京 住宿,開了差不多五間房,折合成人名幣我們才花兩百多元。而且環境也不是太差,還有獨立衛生间啦。那次我們吃完火鍋又去夜市吃燒烤,喝了好多啤酒,然後去燒烤店旁邊找的地方住宿。